Chat Features

Our chat system was designed by us, and is completely unique to SqueejCraft Pro. The goal was a chat with the functionality of a mainstream server, but the look and feel of a vanilla server.

Basic Chat Features
In case you weren't aware, you can open a chat window in game which allows you talk to other crafters and run server commands, to do so simply press the T key, and type what you want to type. Please try to keep your words chill and respectful.

If you'd prefer your discussion with someone to be a bit more private, you can send them a message using the command:
/w (player name) (message)

When you receive a message, you can use a quick reply command to respond, instead of typing out the whole whisper command again.

To reply to a message, run the command: /r (message)

Commands and Tab Completing
Like with most servers, many of our features can be accessed with commands. And though we try to limit your reliance on commands so you can spend more time playing the game, you'll find that there are still going to be quite a few commands that you will want to memorize. By the way, if you didn't already know, you can initiate a command by just pressing the / key. Once pressed, you can then press the tab key, and from here you can cycle through many of the server's most used commands using the up & down arrow keys, or the scroll wheel when hovering over the list. Feel free to do this to get an idea of the thinngs you can do on this server, or simply keep reading these tutorials to learn everything there is to know :)

Conversation Mode
You can lock your chat into a private conversation mode with another player, where no matter what you type it always gets sent as a private message to the player of your choice.

To do so, run the command: /message (player)(no space or message)
Run the command a second time to disable Conversation Mode

It's important to make sure there is no space or anything after the player's name, otherwise the server will think you're trying to send a regular message. This command toggles conversation mode. Meaning in order to get out of this mode, you need to run the same command again.

Private Messages and Emails
As mentioned previously, you can send private messages with the /w (player) (message) command, and reply using the /r (message) command. You can use any vanilla message command, such as /tell. The receiver must be online in order to receive the message.

Additionally, you can also send emails. These are Minecraft-book based messages that you can send to online or offline players. If offline, they will be notified about your email once they log on. To create an email, run the command: /email new

A book will then show up in your right hand. Right click with the book in hand, enter your message, sign it, and then run the following command: /email send (player)

You can also of course manage incoming emails in your Inbox. The inbox lets you read, forward, open or delete messages your have received and is relatively easy to organize and manage your emails.
To open your email inbox, run the command: /email inbox

Ignoring Players
Sometimes someone can be a bit too much and you'd prefer it if they stop talking. We get it. Fortunately for you there is a powerful tool at your disposal for ignoring pesky players in the chat, in private messages and even emails.

To ignore someone, run the command: /ignore (problem player's name)
This command completely shuts off communication between both players. You cannot see their messages, and they cannot see yours. YOu cannot send eachother messages or emails.

To view a list of players you're ignore, type: /ignore list

Chat Hover Events
Part of what makes SqueejCraft kind of cool is the fact that you can hover over player names and their individual arrow brackets to view information or make changes, such as clicking the right arrow bracket of a player's name to ignore them. Hovering over their name will display information including a timestamp of when the message was sent, their country and ping, whether or not they're new to the server as well as some general stats. Click their name to send them a message, or click the right arrow bracket to change chat channels. Many other server features support hover events, such as private messages. Feel free to hover around the chat and see what works. Hover events may not work for Bedrock players :(

Toggle Chat Features Parental Controls
You can enable or disable private messages, emails and more, using the following commands:

/toggle pm
Run this command to disable private messaging.
Run it a second time to enable again.