Server Support

To shop for server packages, select either the SqueejCraft Pro or SqueejCraft Original category, and choose among the following packages. 

The main category for SqueejCraft contains VIP packages, which combines almost everything in the below categories for a reduced cost, plus many other additional features that can only be found in packages. We do not sell anything that will give you an actual gameplay advantage over another player, such as extra homes or reduced cooldowns.

To view the contents of a package, simply click it to view it's details.
Also, be sure to enter in your in-game name correctly, along with your discord information to receive your supporter role. It may take a moment for your purchase to execute in game.

Donations help pay the bills, excess profits go toward hardware upgrades and advertising.
You’ll also receive the supporter role on our discord with any purchase , which comes with exclusive access to our dedicated support channel.
Please let an admin know if you have any questions or problems with your purchase.

Thanks for considering a donation!

Want to support the server and receive cool stuff without having to spend cash?
You can vote for us on server list sites, which raises our position on the list to help us attract more players.

Simply click a site from the Tier 3 vote site, Tier 2 vote site or Tier 1 vote site category in the side bar, with Tier 3 having the best rewards.

Enter your in-game name and click Vote. It may ask you for a captcha for a first few times but once the site starts to remember you it will stop asking. Once the vote is received the server will process it automatically and send over some goodies. What you receive depends on how lucky you are, but the most common reward is claim blocks. Type /vote in-game to view the reward possibilities for each tier, plus other voting related information including vote site url's that you can easily click from in-game.

Questions? Problems with a purchase? Please contact us @

