The Squeej Package
Package Description
+ 50,000 bonus Claim Blocks
+ 100,000 max accrued Claim Blocks, instead of the default 10,000
+ 540 Claim Blocks accrued an hour, instead of the default 90
+ Ability to create 3D land claims with the /cuboid command
+ Create up to 3 Town Claims with the /townclaims command (default: 1)
+ Set up to 64 Home Points (default: 3)
+ Create up to 80 Chest Shops (default: 12)
+ Unlocks the ability to create Trade shops, allowing you to trade item for item instead of Diamond for item
+ Unlocks the ability to create Combo shops, allowing buyer to decide if they want to buy or sell the item you have assigned to the shop
+ Unlocks the ArrowColor GUI, which allows you to change colors for the arrow brackets around your name in chat. Access it with /arrowcolor
+ Unlocks Italic, Bold, Strikethrough and Underline /namecolor Modifications which can be combined with your name color. Name Modifications can also be applied to Arrow Colors in the ArrowColor GUI
+ 500 Tickets that can be spent on /cosmetics
+ Create a title message for your Land Claim with the /gd claim title command
+ Set a greeting message for your Land Claim with the /gd claim greeting (message) command
+ Set a farewell message for your Land Claim with the /gd claim farewell (message) command
+ Unlocks the /sit emote
+ Unlocks the /hat emote, allowing you to wear an item like a hat
+ Unlocks /squeejcat
+ Unlocks all chat Emoji's